In a first, DST-FIST grant for ME Department @IIT-PKD
The department of Mechanical Engineering has secured a competitive DST-FIST grant from the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India. The grant, awarded under the 'Funds for the Improvement of Science and Technology Infrastructure' (FIST) scheme, is a first for the Institute. An amount of INR 168 Lakhs has been sanctioned for a five year project. The fund shall be utilized to establish facilities for micro/nano fabrication, surface modification and characterization of materials. The established facilities shall be available to internal as well as external users (industries, universities, institutions etc.) on a chargeable basis.
The Institute applauds the ME department for proving their mettle, and emerging successful among departments from various universities/institutes, both government funded and private, in the national level competition for the DST-FIST grant. More details of the scheme available at (https://dst.gov.in/scientific-programmes/scientific-engineering-research/fund-improvement-st-infrastructure-higher-educational-institutions-fist).