Department of Biological Sciences and Engineering

Department of Biological Sciences and Engineering (BSE) at Indian Institute of Technology Palakkad aims at interdisciplinary biomedical research and biotechnology to improve human and animal health under ‘One Health’ concept.

The current focus of the department is on

  1. Human pathophysiology
  2. Host-pathogen interaction
  3. Diagnosis of diseases
  4. Biophysics 


















The current faculty members and their main interests are 
Primary affiliation:

  • Prof.  Jagadeesh Bayry: Immunology, Immunotherapy, host-pathogen interaction
  • Dr. Abdul Rasheed P (DBT Ramalingaswami fellow): Biosensors, early stage disease diagnosis, nanomaterials, microbial corrosion

Secondary affiliation

  • Dr. Sushabhan Sadhukhan: Chemical biology, proteomics, metabolomics, and development of small molecule inhibitors
  • Dr. Bibhu Ranjan Sarangi: Experimental biophysics and physics of cancer

The department will be expanded during the coming years with a relevant expertise in diverse areas of biomedical research. Together, our aim is to develop a strong and dynamic scientific community that performs cutting edge research and educational activities through Academic-Industry-Health Care Systems partnerships to improve human and animal health.


 PhD Program in Biological Sciences & Engineering:
We are currently offering a PhD program. The members of the Department are engaged in cutting edge research in different domains of Biomedical Research as depicted above.
Research facilities
Excellent state-of-the-art research facility is coming up at Nila Campus (transit campus) of the Institute and we are in the process of acquiring several key instruments for the department. Other commonly used instruments like confocal microscope, fluorescence microscope, fluorescence spectrophotometer, UV spectrophotometer, liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry and others are already available either at the Institute central facility or in other departments. The Institute Ethics committee for the research involving humans is in place.

