Research collaborations
[1]. Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IIT Bombay), India (with Prof. A. De)
[2]. Joining and Welding Research Institute, Osaka University, Japan (with Prof. H. Fujii and Prof. N. Ma)
[3]. Physical Metallurgy Laboratory (LAMEF), Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, Brazil (with Prof. T. Clarke)
Post Ph.D experience
Dec. 2017 - Feb. 2020: Specially appointed researcher, Joining and Welding Research Institute (JWRI), Osaka Univ., Japan
Aug. 2017 - Nov. 2017: Research Associate, Mechanical Engineering Department, IIT Bombay, India
Ph.D (July, 2017), Mechanical Engineering Department, IIT Bombay, Mumbai
M.Tech (Dec., 2012), Materials Engineering, School of Engineering Sciences and Technology, Univ. of Hyderabad, Hyderabad
For M.Tech Manufacturing and Materials Engineering
2023 - 2024: ME5618 Additive Manufacturing
2020 - 2022; Offered three times consecutively: ME5613 Welding Technology (Shared the course with Dr. Afzaal 2019 - 2020)
2020 - 2021: Offered jointly with Dr. D. Kesavan & Dr. S. Kanmani Subbu: ME5618 Additive Manufacturing
2020-2024; ME5005 Modern Manufacturing Processes (Offered three times consecutively jointly with Dr. S. Kanmani Subbu)
For B.Tech Mechanical Engineering
2023-2024: ME2080A: Materials Science and Engineering,
2020-2023: ME2030 Manufacturing Processes; (Offered three times consecutively)
Research Group
Current students
PhD Scholars
4. Surendar K (registered in Jan. 2023): Post processing of additively manufactured metal prints and its effect on residual stress evolution (Supervising jointly with Dr. Dinesh Setti)
3. Mohan Raj P (registered in Jan. 2022): Solid state welding of additively manufactured metal prints
2. Mohammad Shabbar (upgraded to Ph.D. in Jan. 2021 from M.Tech): Numerical and experimental investigation of Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing
1. Harish Ladi (registered in Jan. 2021): Numerical and experimental investigation of friction stir based joining/processing
M.Tech students
10. Saurabh Unnikrishnan (132202019): Modeling of rotary friction welding process
09. Ritish Rout (132202009): Development of a hole drilling set-up for the residual stress measurements
B.Tech students: None for the academic year 2023-24
Graduated students
M.Tech students
8. Rapaka Ram (132102010): Experimental and numerical investigation of friction stir additive manufacturing process
7. Meshac. R (132102006): Experimental and numerical investigation of laser based additive manufacturing
6. Tsitsi Zendera (132002002): Development of machine learning models for prediction of bead profile in wire arc additive manufacturing
5. Srikanth Nandagiri (132002013): Numerical investigation of friction stir additive manufacturing
4. Lovejoy Gushungo (131902020): Conventional processing of Nitinol powder
3. Vikash Kumar (131902019): Numerical modeling of stationary shoulder friction stir welding
2. Mohammad Shabbar (131902012): Numerical modeling of wire arc additive manufacturing process
1. Aditya Prasad (131902001): Numerical modeling of selective laser melting based additive manufacturing process
B.Tech students
2019-2023 batch
7. Pandey Saurabhkumar Jaishkumar (131901024): Physics informed artificial intelligence models for prediction defects
and tool failures in welding and additive manufacturing processes
6. M Avinash Chawhan (131901016): Experimental measurement of residual stresses in welds and additively manufactured parts
2018-2022 batch
5. Abin Selby: Development of heat transfer and fluid flow model for powder bed fusion additive manufacturing process
4. Divyansh Singh: Design of semi-automatic 3-axis table for wire arc additive manufacturing (One semester project)
2017-2021 batch
3. Arjun K. Vikram (131701007): ANN models for prediction of bead profiles in gas metal arc welding process
2. Amith Ajith (131701003): Machine learning models for prediction of tool failures in conventional friction stir welding
2016-2020 batch
1. Jayaram Talabattula (131601028): Dimensionless numbers for estimation of peak temperatures in friction stir welding (One semester project)
Additional Information
TitleInternational Journal Publications (Latest first)Description
[14]. Mohan Raj Pandian., Arjun Pankajakshan., Chandra Sekhar Perugu., Buchibabu Vicharapu*, Satish Vasu Kailas, (2025), Towards understanding the structure-property evolution mechanisms in wrought-to-printed and printed-to-printed linear friction welded Ti alloy near net blanks for aerospace applications, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 338, 118756. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2025.118756.
[13]. Ram Rapaka., Harish Ladi, Dharavathu Raja, Gopinath Muvvala, Tuhin Mukherjee, Buchibabu Vicharapu* (2024), Understanding in-process responses in multi-layer friction stir additive manufacturing: Temperature, Viscosity, Tool torque, and Mechanical properties, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 330, 118491. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2024.118491
[12]. Ram Rapaka, Cleber Rodrigo de Lima Lessa, Guilherme Vieira Braga Lemos, Arlan Pacheco Figueiredo, Buchibabu Vicharapu, Thomas Clarke, Amitava De, (2023) Friction taper stitch welding of a duplex stainless steel, nature Scientific Reports, 13, Article Number 21354, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-48754-6 Open Access [IF: 4.6]
[11]. Bossle, E.P, Buchibabu. V, Lemos, G.V.B, Lessa, C.R.L., Bergmann, L., dos Santos, J. F., Clarke, T.G.R., De, A., (2023), Metals, 13(1), 146-164. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/met13010146 Open Access [IF: 2.695]
[10]. Vicharapu, B*., Liu, H., Morisada, Y., Fujii, H., De, A., (2021), Degradation of nickel-bonded tungsten carbide tools in friction stir welding of high carbon steel, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 115, 1049-1061. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00170-021-07159-3). [IF: 2.633]
[9]. B. Vicharapu., G.V.B. Lemos*., L. Bergmann., J.F. dos Santos., A. De., T. Clarke., (2020). Probing underlying mechanisms for pcBN tool decay during friction stir welding of nickel-based alloys, Technologia em metalurgia, (The Journal Technology in Metallurgy, Materials and Mining), 18(1), 1-10. Article download link: https://www.lume.ufrgs.br/handle/10183/221231#
[8]. Amlan Kar., Vicharapu,B*., Morisada, Y., Fujii, A., (2020). Elucidation of interfacial microstructure and mechanical properties in friction stir lap welding of aluminum alloy and mild steel, Materials Characterization, 168, 110572. (DOI: 10.1016/j.matchar.2020.110572). [IF: 3.562]
[7]. Kanan, L.F., Vicharapu,B*., Pissanti, D.R., Kwietniewski, C.E.F., Clarke, T., De, A., (2020). An investigation on girth friction welding of duplex stainless steel pipes, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 51, 73-82. (DOI: 10.1016/j.jmapro.2020.01.032). [IF: 3.462] (First FEM based temperature-displacement fully coupled model)
[6]. Vicharapu, B*., Liu, H., Fujii, H., Narasaki, K., Ma, N., De, A., (2020). Probing residual stresses in stationary shoulder friction stir welding, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 106, 1573-1586. (DOI: 10.1007/s00170-019-04570-9). [IF: 2.601]
[5]. Landell, R., Kanan, L.F., Buzzatti, D., Vicharapu, B*., De, A., Clarke, T., (2019). Material flow during friction hydro-pillar processing, Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 25(3), 228 - 234. (DOI: 10.1080/13621718.2019.1679963). [IF: 2.358]
[4]. Kanan. L.F., Vicharapu. B., Bueno, A.F.B., Clarke, T*., De, A., (2018). Friction Hydro-pillar Processing of a high carbon steel - Joint structure and properties, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 49(2), 699-706. (DOI: 10.1007/s11663-018-1171-5). [IF: 1.952]
[3]. Vicharapu. B., Kanan, L. F., Clarke, T*., De, A., (2017). An investigation on friction hydro-pillar processing (FHPP), Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 22(7), 555-561. (DOI:10.1080/13621718.2016.1274849). [IF: 2.358] (First FEM based pure heat transfer model)
[2]. Buchibabu, V., Reddy, G. M., De, A*., (2017). Probing torque, traverse force and tool durability in friction stir welding of aluminum alloys, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 241(1), 86 - 92. (DOI: 10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2016.11.008). [IF: 4.178]
[1]. Buchibabu, V., Reddy, G. M., Kulkarni, D. V., De, A*., (2016). Friction stir welding of a thick Al-Zn-Mg alloy plate, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 25(3), 1163 - 1171. (DOI: 10.1007/s11665-016-1924-8). [IF: 1.331]
TitleSponsored/funded research projectsDescription1. Solid state welding Ti alloy and Ni alloy metal prints for aerospace, energy and health sectors, funded by the Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), start-up research grant, File no: SRG/2021/002183, Sanctioned amount: INR 3248750/-
TitleInternational/National conference proceedingsDescription[3]. Harish Ladi, Ram Rapaka, Buchibabu Vicharapu*., (2023), Development of the process model for additive friction stir deposition, AIMTDR23_0379.
[2]. Shabbar Mohammad, Buchibabu Vicharapu*., (2022). Wire arc additive manufacturing of Inconel 718: A Process Modelling Approach, Applications of Computation in Mechanical Engineering, Springer Nature publishers, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-19-6032-1_5. Published online: 29th Nov. 2022.
[1] Vikash Kumar, Buchibabu Vicharapu*., (2022). Prediction of in-process forces and tool fracture in stationary shoulder friction stir welding: a process modelling approach, Applications of Computation in Mechanical Engineering, Springer Nature publishers, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-19-6032-1_4. Published online: 29th Nov. 2022.