04923 226 300 (Office) | info@iitpkd.ac.in

About IIT Palakkad

Having begun with just 120 students in July 2015, IIT Palakkad has since grown into an establishment which is about a thousand students strong....

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To create knowledge; to communicate knowledge; and to apply knowledge for the benefit of society.

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Director's Desk

A very warm welcome to IIT Palakkad. It is my pleasure to introduce you to this institute which has grown tremendously since its inception in 2015...

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Departments & Centres

Departments & Centres

The academic course programs (BTech/MTech/MSc) are the responsibility of individual departments, which will also...

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Course-Based Programs

Course-Based Programs

IIT Palakkad conducts undergraduate academic program of B. Tech, postgraduate course programs of M. Tech and M.Sc...

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Research Programs

Research Programs

IIT Palakkad offers research programs leading to M.S and Ph.D in various disciplines. The institute also offers post doctoral fellowships...

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Degrees Awarded